2 min readNov 15, 2020

Hello, readers today we have come to discuss our application EYEBLINK. We faced a lot of difficulties in the beginning when we started building our application as we did not know the first thing about making an Android application. In the first three weeks, we struggled a lot connecting databases, showing notifications, and many more but we persevered. Showing determination we were able to complete the application in three months. One thing we learned as a team that

Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships. When we work as a whole we achieve a lot.

So we bring to you our application EYEBLINK. Nowadays due to quarantine people often sit in front of the screen either watching or playing. This results in blinking half the accepted number of times. This causes headaches and strain on the eyes of the individuals working on the laptops for a long amount of time. This results in drying up of the cornea later leading to short-sightedness and sometimes blindness in extreme cases. Thus, we took this initiative to make the people blink by an animated popup that comes on the screen to make the people blink intentionally which is also known as reflex blinking.

Our close competitor Blink is doing a similar thing but giving a less user-friendly and laggy experience. To solve this we need to give a better experience to the user. So the three things which we are trying to innovate upon this for better user experience are:-

  1. We are building a login page which gives them a feel of a professional user interface as well as giving them bonuses on every login they make and remain with us for at least one month.
  2. We are monitoring user screen time and if it is above a certain limit, which will be predetermined by the user then we will display a popup of an animated logo for a few seconds and disappear. They also have the option of choosing between popup and notification. The notification will be also shown after the predetermined time, chosen by the user.
  3. We are also giving our users an option to block our application on certain apps that they want for example they would not want to have our app while playing the game.

We did not know that building an application is such a fun activity and we want to thank our university Bennett University for providing us such an opportunity to learn how to build an application.

